Elks Of Canada


Members at Large

How To Become A Member At Large


Are you interested in becoming a member of the Elks of Canada but don't have a local Lodge near you? Or are you a former member who wants to become a member again but affiliated with a specific Lodge? If you answer yes to either of these questions, then you should become a Member at Large in the Elks of Canada.


Under the Member at Large category.


•You don't have to belong at any Lodge.

•You don't have to feel guilty about missing meetings.

•You won't be asked to help out (unless you want to).

•You can still be part of an organization that helps kids and communities across Canada.

•You will receive our national magazine, the Canadian Elk.

•You will receive a "special" membership card to show you belong to the Elks of Canada.

•You will be given credit for any prior years of service.



Created at the 2010 National Convention this category entitles you to full rights and privileges at the Grand Lodge Convention. Please note that it does not entitle you to any rights or privileges in any other Lodge, District or Association but you may attend Lodge, District or Association functions as a guest.



The cost to become a Member at Large $100 annually. Simply fill out the Member at Large application form or contact the National Office at



1-888-843-3557 and we would be happy to help you become a Member at Large.